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Andrew Fidler

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:57 pm
by Kelly
Just a quick word to say that this site is wonderful! Peter Fidler does not get nearly the publicity he deserves!

I am a decendent of Peter and Mary through their son Andrew, who was married to Ann Hallett; their son Cornelius, who married Jane Birston; their son Joseph, who married Annie Bird; and finally my grandmother, Lillian Fidler who married Fred Davis.

I look forward to checking back to this site and seeing the posts of my newfound relatives!

Cheers from Alberta, where I live in the Athabasca country where Peter and Mary spent much time!

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:49 pm
by JosephD
Hi Kelly,
If Lillian Fidler and Frederick Davis are your grandparents then we must be first cousins. I think I remember seeing you as a little dimpled four year old when I last visited Grandma Davis's place on Euclid Avenue in Winnipeg. My father was Allen Davis and my mother's name is Rose. We left Winnipeg in 1963 and had almost no contact with the family after that. I only learned of our family's connection to Peter Fidler about 18 months ago with the help of a wonderful man by the name of Geoff Burtonshaw who is a 95 year old Metis genealogist working with the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, where I now live. It's quite exciting to discover and become connected to this aspect of my family's heritage. I hope you are still checking this board. It would be nice to hear from you. -Joe D.

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:40 pm
by gnstill
Hi Joseph,
Was your father the Frederick Allen DAVIS who died Sep 20, 1999 (his Obit)? The obit mentions his wife as Patsy and a brother named Joe. You say your mother was Rose.

Also, I haven’t yet determined who Kelly’s parents were.

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:07 am
by Kelly
Oh wow...I always remember you being referred to as Joey!!! My mom, your Auntie Pearl is going to be so thrilled, as am I. Your family in Winnipeg never forgot you, and you were all spoken of with love, very often.
I live in Alberta as well, up in Fort McMurray. I have thought of your family many times, and actually still have a couple of pictures from when I was a toddler with your sister Donna. How is your family? Please feel free to email me at There are so many family connections to talk about!

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:11 am
by Kelly
Yes, that is Joe's father. My mother was Pearl Davis, Allen's little sister. Allen did remarry a lady by the name of Pat. This is just amazing. Actually we are going back to England in May, and I will returning to Bolsover and Suttons Mill. I will be sure to take pictures of the home that Peter Fidler built for his mother, as well as the monument to him in Suttons Mill, and if I can find it, his father's grave.

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:17 am
by Kelly
Yikes, I'm bombing the site now! Joe, more family history that I've discovered. It seems that our "Granny Davis" was true Red River Royalty. Not only was Peter Fidler her ancestor on her father's side, but on her mother's side (Annie Bird), she was a direct descendent of James Curtis Bird, who was Chief Factor for the Hudson's Bay Company in Manitoba. He owned and donated the land that is now called "Birds Hill Park" outside of Winnipeg.

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:03 pm
by JosephD
Thanks Gary for the update regarding my father. We hadn't really been in contact since the late 70's. His first wife was my mother Rose and it appears he re-married later.

Thanks also to Kelly for responding so quickly. I hope you received the email I sent to you on Sat and I look forward to hearing from you soon. In my email I had forgotten to ask you to please say hello to Aunt Pearl for me and I hope she is enjoying good health.

- Joe

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:11 pm
by gnstill
What was Rose's maiden name?

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:46 pm
by redhairedgirl
Hello. I am a descendant of Peter Fidler. the "Kelly" and "Joseph" on this specific forum are my first cousins. My name is Beth. So i thought I'd say hello.

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:37 pm
by JosephD
My mother's maiden name is Silverthorn. She was born on a farm just outside of Ardath, Saskatchewan. I doubt there is much of a town left there anymore. My parents were married in Winnipeg on September 7, 1946.

Beth, nice to hear from you. I'm just finishing an email to Kelly which she will be passing on to you.

Re: Andrew Fidler

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:07 pm
by Lillian
Hi there, this is Donna. Joe is my brother and I believe some of you are first cousins! This is quite exciting to finally get to know the other half of our family. Thank you, Kelly, for all the information you have found and I, too, have photos of the two of us!